Agreed Upon Procedures
Agreed-upon procedures are engagements undertaken in accordance with the International Standard on Related Services (ISRS 4400) applicable to agreed-upon procedures, in which an auditor is engaged to carry out specified procedures designed by an entity or any appropriate third parties, agreed and to report on factual findings.
Bader Saleh Auditing of Accounts performs agreed-upon procedures relating to financial information (ISRE 4400) which are procedures agreed between an entity and a third party to produce factual findings of financial information or operational processes. Our specialized financial reporting could be provided for inspection of documents or transactions for specific characteristics, confirmation of specific information with third parties, or comparison of data to a defined standard.
Agreed Upon Procedures
We perform a supportive role in making a clear and detailed agreed-upon procedure upon which the engaging parties agree and may find it useful in drawing their conclusions. Our financial reports could be provided for inspection of documents or transactions for specific characteristics, confirmation of specific information with third parties, or comparison of data to a defined standard.