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Why Should Businesses Prefer Remote Audit?

With the advent of technology, things that are possible today could not have been imagined two decades ago. Just like most of the other jobs, conducting remote audits is gaining popularity rapidly among organizations. Large business corporations already make use of high-tech strategies that enable the audit teams to send and receive relevant data, manage interviews and compare with organizations around the globe without having to commute to and from the audit site. The last version of ISO 19011:2018 actually includes the latest specifications for conducting remote audits and make the transition considerably simpler.

Remote auditing is the future and here we will be discussing everything you need to know about the benefits associated with it.

Here, we have analyzed all the benefits linked with e-auditing and why Chartered Accountants in UAE and overall the world prefer remote auditing.

What Is Remote Audit?

Before getting to the benefits of remote audit, it is important to first learn the basics of remote auditing. A remote audit is also known as an e-audit which simply means auditing via electronic means to remotely acquire audit evidence and assess it to understand the extent of compliance with the given audit criteria. E-audit techniques are not much different than those used in person but you can send and receive files via electronic means such as email, Google Drive, etc. The organization can also use the means of video conferencing via Skype, Zoom and other available options to discuss the business together and also for interviewing purposes. Evidently, reviewing the data and files virtually has proved to be a lot more effective than in person.
There are, however, certain areas that might cause difficulties through an e-audit such as product storage or manufacturing processes. For that, live or surveillance videos can be used to collect related evidence. Some of the work that is not possible off-site can still be done in-site. The main idea behind e-auditing is just that wherever possible, the auditing activities be taken care of away from the location of the auditee.

Advantages Of Remote Auditing

There are several advantages linked with e-auditing. Conducting e-audits have proved to be extremely beneficial for auditing companies. Some of the benefits are discussed below.

1. Saves time and money

Technological advancements have made it extremely easy to access data from anywhere at any time with the help of a cloud portal. Spending so much time travelling to access the documentation which can be checked in the comfort of one’s home seem quite unnecessary. E-audits can help save all the time and money spent on travelling which can surely be put to better use. Moreover, at times of meetings or interviews, applications like Skype or Zoom can be used that can omit the need of going on-site at all.

2. Travelling to difficult locations

Sometimes it’s rather difficult to reach the sites due to many reasons. The location could be in an isolated area, maybe it requires strict permits or even visas if the audit is being conducted internationally. In this situation, a remote audit is a much better option to avoid all the aforementioned difficulties.

3. Requirement of logistics

Conducting remote audits help organizations get rid of all the logistic related work such as renting conference rooms, taking care of the preparations such as cleaning and refreshments, and accommodation of audit team. This also interferes with the regular workflow of employee which can be avoided simply by remote auditing. The inconveniences of onsite auditing can all be overcome by incorporating e-auditing.

4. The efficiency of the audit team

The efficiency of the audit team can considerably improve when they are working in an environment of comfort. They will be able to use all the required tools and be familiar with the working conditions. This will reflect in their work and their productivity will be substantially maximized. The amount of time they will take to adjust to a new environment will take more hours to get the job done which they can easily complete in lesser time when working in a comfortable situation.